Because improving your home’s indoor air quality in Dickinson requires a shift in habits, it’s helpful to consider some of the benefits. Some of the benefits of improving indoor air quality include better health and a reduced carbon footprint. While there are many ways you can make a difference, prioritize the following nine tips to gain quicker results.

1. Use an Air Purifier

Like many parts of the United States, Dickinson and the Greater Houston area receives air quality alerts that stem from issues such as ozone pollution. Especially when the outdoor air is compromised, a high-quality air purifier is an excellent tool to employ.

An air purifier acts as a vacuum and sucks up particles that could be harmful to the body. It’s especially beneficial for those who suffer from cardiac, respiratory or neurological conditions.

Look at an air purifier as a great supplemental tool. On its own, it won’t transform the quality of the indoor air. When an air purifier works in tandem with a great cleaning schedule, consistent air filter changes, and professional indoor air quality services, it helps maintain the air you’ve worked hard to keep clean.

2. Allow Fresh Air to Circulate

Unless the outdoor air quality is considerably poor, open your windows daily. Consider opening the windows for at least 15 minutes at a time. As fresh air moves throughout the home, it encourages proper ventilation. Turn on a stand-alone fan or ceiling fan to assist in the distribution of fresh air.

While it’s understandable to keep windows closed and sealed during the cooler months, a simple crack in the window can make a difference. However, be mindful of this practice during allergy seasons. If anyone in your home is allergic to pollen, ragweed or freshly cut grass, implement other methods during the seasons when those irritants are around. In addition to improving indoor air quality, opening the windows introduces a natural source of oxygen, which can impact your mood and energy levels.

3. Change the Air Filters

Before the HVAC system disperses the air throughout the home, the air filters trap the dust, pollutants and allergens. While the air filters don’t catch every dust particle, they’re most effective when they’re changed regularly.

Typically, it’s best to change air filters once every three months. If you live in a home with pets, change the filters once every two months. Avoiding air filter changes forces the HVAC system to work harder than necessary. Consequently, your energy bills increase at the end of the billing cycle.

To improve your home’s indoor air quality and save money on energy bills, determine the best schedule for air filter changes and stick to it.

4. Turn on Vents and Fans

Never overlook the bathroom or the kitchen when searching for ways to improve indoor air quality. These two spaces are breeding grounds for moisture and mold development because they’re not always properly ventilated.

In the bathroom, a lot of moisture accumulates from shower steam. Before taking a shower, turn on the bathroom fan. Upon exiting the shower, leave the fan on for five minutes. Leave the door open while the fan gets rid of excess moisture.

When it’s time to prepare a meal that involves cooking on the stovetop, turn the vents on. Whether you’re steaming vegetables or frying meat, the vents help capture the moisture, oil and potential odors.

5. No Smoking Indoors

Smoking is known to cause a host of health issues. However, secondhand smoke can also lead to lung cancer, bronchitis and cardiovascular disease. If you aren’t ready to quit smoking just yet, take the habit outdoors. When done indoors, cigarette smoke lingers and seeps into the walls and furniture.

Be mindful of how odors can travel through the gutters and HVAC system. To protect the people and the air in your home, stand outside, away from the home, when you’re ready to smoke.

6. Stop Excess Moisture in Its Tracks

Even though humidity is often associated with the outdoors, your home’s humidity levels play a role in improving indoor air quality. When the humidity levels are too high, this can lead to the spread of mildew and mold. When the humidity levels are too low, the air becomes dry. Depending on how dry the air is, breathing can become challenging. Invest in a hygrometer (humidity monitor) to remain aware of when the humidity levels are too low or too high in the home.

A humidifier is an excellent investment for adding moisture. A dehumidifier is perfect for getting rid of moisture. Depending on the season and the climate, both tools are necessary investments.

7. Clean or Replace Carpets

For many, the sensation of carpeted floors is more comfortable than hardwood flooring. However, carpet holds a lot of bacteria and germs. Even if you and your family members take off your shoes at the front door, dust, allergens and mold spores can become trapped in the carpet fibers. If a pet lives in the home, this makes carpeted floors even more unsanitary.

If you’re not ready to let go of your carpeted flooring yet, stick to a weekly vacuuming schedule. Invest in a HEPA vacuum or a vacuum that has room for a HEPA filter. To be thorough, shampoo the carpets on a seasonal or biannual basis.

Once you’re ready to transition to hardwood flooring, it’ll be easier to clean and remove particles that can negatively impact indoor air quality.

8. Install Carbon Monoxide and Radon Detectors

Carbon monoxide and radon are odorless, and they’re impossible to naturally detect with your other senses. Unfortunately, excessive amounts of radon exposure can lead to diseases such as lung cancer. Exposure to carbon monoxide can lead to death.

If you have a garage, never leave the car running inside it when it’s closed. This is a quick way to become exposed to carbon monoxide, and it’s fatal. Invest in detectors that are designed to alert when radon (or any other harmful element) is present.

9. Use Clean Household Products

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) increase the chances of health issues. Yet, they are often found in many household cleaning products. While an air-freshening aerosol spray makes a living room smell better, it’s polluting the indoor air.

When you’re purchasing household items like all-purpose cleaning sprays and detergents, choose options that pass the Environmental Protection Agency’s standards. Consider preparing your own cleaning solutions by incorporating cleaner ingredients such as white vinegar, liquid castile soap and baking soda.

Call Mackey Services Today for IAQ Help

As you begin to apply these nine tips to improve your indoor air, include the assistance of professionals. One of the most important components of a home maintenance plan involves knowing the best professionals to call on. For assistance with home HVAC issues and heating repairs, contact Mackey Services. We’ll provide more information on how we can support you keep your home in Dickinson functional and safe.

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