Normally, your light switches should simply turn on your lights. Unfortunately, though, sometimes your lights turn on slowly, with there being a delay between when you hit the switch and when the lights actually come on. Even if your lights come on like normal, there are other signs of a faulty light switch, like if it makes strange noises. Crackling, popping, or humming can all indicate serious problems.

From interrupted power flow to damaged insulation and more, even if you think you can DIY a solution, the best fix is to hire a professional electrician for your Dickinson home. They’ll be able to inspect your property and find the root of the issue. Below, we’ll go over some of the most common light switch types and how electricians will work to fix them if they’re faulty.

What Do You Need to Know About Faulty Light Switches?

The first trick is to know the type of switch you’re working with. Here’s a brief refresher on your choices.

1. Toggle Switch

Toggle switches are a classic you find in most electric outlets. These handy devices operate using a lever. You turn it up and down or left and right to power your circuits. They connect to mounting holes that are either 12 millimeters or 6 millimeters in diameter. A miniature toggle switch uses the 12 millimeter while the 6 millimeter holds a subminiature.

2. Push-Button Switch

A push-button switch is a simple device that’s used for a variety of functions in the home. This includes your lights. All it takes is a simple button push to open the electric circuits that power your lights. To turn it on, you push it inward. This allows electricity to provide sufficient power through widespread distribution.

3. Slide Switch

You can customize your lighting preferences with the slide switch. Simply slide it up or down to create the desired effect. It’s similar to the dimmer switch because it lets you adjust the light as you wish.

4. Single Switch

A single-pole switch is binary because it operates either of two ways: on or off. It powers only one circuit, which makes it practical for operating light switches. These switch types are more common in residential homes due to their simplicity.

5. Double-Pole Switch

Double-pole switches are connected to two separate electrical circuits. They’re more common in commercial and industrial settings where large appliances and heavy machinery are used. Homeowners can use them to power large electrical appliances such as ovens or washing machines because they can handle greater electrical loads.

6. Sound- or Motion-Activated Switches

These switch types have one thing in common: You don’t have to turn them off manually. The sound-activated switch is simple. You can turn your lights off by clapping or tapping when you’re in bed or in another room. Lights that use motion-activated sensors turn on when movement is detected.

Regardless of type, any light switch can fail over time. A simple finger test can reveal if something is off about a switch. If the mechanism feels stiff or doesn’t turn, odds are that the mechanism has lost its vitality. In this case, it’s time for a professional upgrade to a new switch.

Why You Need to Hire a Professional to Replace Your Light Switches

There may be some things you can DIY in your home, but light switch replacement isn’t one of them. The reason is that working with anything electrical is risky business. A licensed electrician who has experience is a better solution.

Working with electric wires is more complex than you think. Any mistake you make can cost you more money in damages and electrical repairs. Replacing faulty light switches requires the expertise of a seasoned electrician. They have the handy tools to fix any problem, including light switches.

There are other reasons to hire an electrician to replace faulty light switches. One is that it’s far less risky. An Dickinson electrician knows the ins and outs of every switch, wire, and circuit type. They know how to wire a standard light switch. They can also work with different types of switches. They know the different kinds of wires required for every switch type.

Another reason is fastidiousness. A qualified electrician will perform a thorough inspection of your light switch to get to the root of the problem. They can troubleshoot the issue and fix it. Even if you think it’s your switch, it may be something else. The problem could be something as simple as a loose or disconnected wire.

Fixing a faulty light switch is done in three steps. The electrician will start by locating your circuit box. They will turn off the power supply to the building. A simple voltage test is run to detect any leftover currents. Once everything is clear, the electrician will remove the faulty light switch and pull it out to inspect the wiring.

A hot wire is usually black or red while white stands for neutral. The ground wire is copper and is usually attached to the same part as the silver screw. An experienced electrician has a background in wiring and will know how to detach it from the old light switch.

Once this step is complete, the new light switch installation begins. The electrician will begin by connecting the hot wire first. Next, the neutral wire is connected, followed by the terminal copper wire. Your electrician will secure each wire in place with screws. Once done, they will restore your power and test your lights.

Hiring an electrician is an investment that yields long-term results. A quick DIY fix may only work in the short term or not at all. But a professional electrician in good standing will get to the root of the problem and conquer it. The end result is months or years of good lighting.

Qualified electricians hold a license backed with expertise. They’ve taken the right courses, underwent hours of training, and worked to earn their certification. This is why they’re better equipped for upgrading your light switches. Plus, you’ll get fast service and quality results. An experienced electrician takes less time to fix your wiring and replace your light switches than you do. They know about the different light switch types and can work with them.

Benefits of a Professional Light Switch Upgrade

Old light switches are less effective and riskier for your home. There are several perks to having new light switches installed in your home. One is efficiency. This is especially true in cases where a wire was loose or disconnected.

Contact Mackey Services Today

Our licensed technicians can assist you with any electrical issues you’re having. They’ll upgrade your light switches, replace aging outlets, and more. Our electricians offer many quality electrical services for your home. Our electrical repair services include new panel installation, general repair, and surge protection. Our team will perform any task, including new switch installation.

Call or contact Mackey Services today to learn more. We also offer heating, air conditioning, and landscaping services in Dickinson, TX.

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