It can be frustrating to experience problems with your air conditioner in Galveston, especially when the weather is hot outside. Most people don’t know what to do when facing an AC issue – and it’s not pleasant! Here’s what to do when your AC isn’t at its best.

1. Check Your Thermostat Settings

Thermostats in the AC are like the brains of the system and can be the source of problems. If your AC isn’t running correctly, you should ensure that it is in the right setting. Ensure that it is set to “cool” and that the temperature is lower than what’s in the room.

Next, check if the thermostat is functioning properly. You can do this by setting the temperature lower than the current room temperature and seeing if the AC unit turns on. Additionally, ensure your thermostat isn’t set to the “energy saver” mode, as this will not allow the AC to reach the desired temperature. When all these things are confirmed, and the AC still isn’t working, it may indicate a faulty thermostat, and you will need to call a professional to fix it.

2. Look at the Air Filters and Vents

Over time, air filters can become clogged with dust and other particles, causing your HVAC to have difficulty cooling down the room. To check if this is an issue, look at your filter and see if theAC needs a tune up. You can do this easily by locating the filter and noticing if there are any signs of dirt or debris. If so, it’s advisable to have a professional replace the filter as soon as possible to guarantee optimal performance.

You should also inspect all vents to be sure they are open and not blocked by furniture or other objects. This can prevent cold air circulating in the room resulting in poor cooling performance. Be sure to clear away anything blocking the vents for proper airflow.

3. Refrigerant Levels

The refrigerant is the liquid inside your AC unit that helps cool the air. If there isn’t enough refrigerant, your unit won’t be able to cool effectively. However, you cannot add additional refrigerant on your own as this can seriously affect the cooling system and be illegal in some areas. Additionally, these chemicals are very dangerous for those who are not specifically trained to handle them.

To know if the refrigerant is the problem, look for signs of leakage around the unit. You may be able to see refrigerant pooling on the ground or notice a hissing sound coming from your AC. If it appears that you are low on refrigerant, you should contact a professional technician for help. The technician can measure the refrigerant levels and safely add more if needed.

4. Check Your Condenser Unit

The outside condenser unit helps to cool the air and should always be functional for proper cooling. To check if it is working, you should inspect the area around the unit and ensure nothing is blocking or obstructing its airflow. You can also look at the fan blades inside the unit and ensure that they are spinning freely without any obstruction.

If you notice that your condenser unit isn’t running at all, your AC’s circuit breaker switch in the electrical panel may need to be reset or replaced by a professional. The technician may also need to check if all connections are secure between the indoor and outdoor units as a loose connection can prevent power from reaching the condenser and cause it to not turn on. This way, they can be confident that your condenser is running properly for optimal cooling performance.

5. Inspect Your Drainage System

One aspect that may easily be overlooked is the AC’s drainage system. This prevents water from backing up and entering your home. It also helps cool down the air as it passes through the system. Check for clogged drain lines or blockages that could prevent proper airflow or cause water buildup.

To further investigate this issue, you can remove the access panel on the unit and use a garden hose to flush out any debris in the condensate line. If all else fails or you see that the issue is more technical, contact a professional to avoid further damage to your system.

6. Involve a Professional for an Extensive Diagnosis

Air conditioning units are complex systems that require a certain level of expertise to diagnose and repair. When you encounter a problem with your AC, it can be tempting to try to troubleshoot it yourself. While there are some things that you can check on your own, it is important to involve a professional for a more extensive diagnosis. Attempting to fix an AC problem without proper knowledge can lead to further damage and even injury.

A qualified HVAC technician can identify the root cause of the issue and offer a solution that not only fixes the problem but also prevents it from happening again. By leaving the troubleshooting and repair work to the experts, you can rest assured that your home will remain comfortable and cool even during the hottest summer months. For residents of the greater Houston area, Mackey Services provides these services and more.

7. Inspect Your Ducts and Seals

Your air conditioning system relies on a network of ducts to circulate cooled air throughout your home. Over time, these ducts can become loose or leaky, allowing heated air to enter the system and prevent it from cooling properly. Inspect all accessible ductwork for any signs of damage, such as leaks or cracks. If you find any, ensure they are sealed properly by an HVAC professional.

You should also check the seals around windows and doors that lead outside because drafts can enter through these areas and interfere with efficient cooling. Ensure all seals are intact to ensure optimal performance and maximum energy efficiency from your AC unit.

8. Listen for Unusual Noises

When running properly, your air conditioning unit should operate fairly quietly. If you start to notice unusual noises from the system, like buzzing or banging, it could be a sign of an issue with the motor or other components. For example, a banging or rattling could mean that a part has come loose. Alternatively, a high-pitched squealing noise could suggest a belt is worn out. By identifying any strange noises, you can give a repair technician a better idea of what might be causing the issue and possibly save yourself some money on unnecessary repairs.

Additionally, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with your AC’s normal sounds so that you can easily distinguish them from any unusual noises. Doing this will help you to detect problems early and call for assistance before they become too serious.

9. Close All Windows and Doors

Close all doors and windows in the room you are trying to cool and then turn on the AC unit. If it can bring down the temperature, this suggests that there may be an issue with warm air entering from outside. A professional technician can identify, provide insight, and solve this issue.

Call Mackey Services for Galveston AC Issues

Troubleshooting an AC unit on your own can be a tricky task and may require some technical know-how. However, you can take some key steps to identify the issue and determine if it requires professional help. At Mackey Services, we provide a wide range of HVAC services, including residential and commercial indoor air quality, heating, and electrical services.

Contact us today to discuss how we can serve you in Galveston!

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